6w7: The Buddy



Enneagram System  » Enneagram Wings

A Deep Dive into 6w7

"The Buddy"

Strengths, Weaknesses, Desires,

Compatibility, & Love Languages

Abstract painting of young people dancing and celebrating together, absolute joy

The Enneagram 6w7 type, also known as

 "The Buddy," combines traits from the Six and Seven types.

This personality type seeks security, loyalty, and stability, but with a touch of adventure and a desire for new experiences from the Seven-wing. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

The Enneagram Type 6 with a 7 wing (6w7) exhibits a unique set of strengths and weaknesses commonly associated with this personality type. However, it's important to remember that the expression of these traits can vary significantly depending on an individual's level of self-awareness, personal development, and psychological well-being.

6w7 Strengths

  • Adventurous Spirit: 6w7s possess a natural curiosity and a desire for new experiences. They embrace novelty and are open to exploring different paths and possibilities.
  • Loyalty and Support: They value loyalty and are committed to their relationships and causes. They provide unwavering support to those they trust, fostering a strong sense of community.
  • Flexible and Adaptive: 6w7s are adaptable and resourceful. They can quickly adjust to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to challenges.
  • Socially Engaging: They have a friendly and approachable nature, making it easy for them to connect with others. They enjoy social interactions and thrive in group settings.


6w7 Weaknesses

  • Anxiety and Worry: 6w7s may experience heightened anxiety and a tendency to worry about potential risks and uncertainties. Their active mind can generate various scenarios, leading to overthinking.
  • Escapism and Avoidance: They may resort to distractions and escapism to avoid dealing with their anxieties and fears. This can lead to a tendency to procrastinate or engage in excessive pleasure-seeking behaviors.
  • Indecisiveness and Overcommitment: 6w7s may struggle with decision-making due to their desire to consider all possibilities. They may also have a tendency to overcommit themselves, spreading themselves too thin.
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): They can experience a fear of missing out on exciting opportunities and experiences, which can sometimes lead to impulsivity or a sense of restlessness.

Understanding these traits can help 6w7s in their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By harnessing their strengths and working on their weaknesses, they can cultivate a more balanced and fulfilled personality.

6w7 Basic Desires and Fears

The primary desire of a 6w7, like the core Six, is seeking security and safety. They long for a sense of stability and assurance in their lives, both emotionally and physically. This desire often drives their decisions and actions as they navigate the world.

However, the addition of the Seven-wing introduces a unique dynamic to this desire. 6w7s not only seek security but also crave excitement, novelty, and adventure. They want to explore new possibilities and experiences while maintaining a sense of safety and support.

On the other hand, the fundamental fear of a 6w7 personality type is the fear of uncertainty, vulnerability, and being without support. They dread the thought of facing challenges alone or lacking the guidance and protection they seek. This fear often stems from a deep-seated need for reassurance and a fear of making wrong choices that might lead to negative outcomes.

The Seven-wing adds another layer to this fear. While the Six fears being deprived or abandoned, the Seven fears missing out on exciting experiences or being trapped in mundane routines. So, a 6w7 might have an underlying fear of missing out on opportunities or feeling trapped in a monotonous life.

Understanding these basic desires and fears of the 6w7 personality type can offer valuable insights into their motivations, behaviors, and interactions with the world. It can serve as a foundation for personal growth and improved self-understanding. 

Our Top 5 Compatibility

Recommendations for 6w7s

Remember, these recommendations are general and based on typical type characteristics. In real life, personal growth, mutual respect, communication skills, shared interests, and emotional maturity play significant roles in the success of any relationship. Compatibility can certainly exist between any types of the Enneagram.

Type 1w9 (The Idealist): The 1w9's idealistic nature combines with their desire for improvement to complement the 6w7's security-seeking tendencies. The 1w9 can provide structure and stability while the 6w7 offers loyalty and emotional support. This pairing can bond over shared interests and values and bring balance to each other.

Type 2w1 (The Servant): Type 2w1's nurturing and empathetic nature, combined with the shared type 1 wing's desire for rightness, can resonate with the 6w7's need for support and security. This pairing can create a caring and harmonious relationship.

Type 5w6 (The Problem Solver): The 5w6's analytical thinking and desire for security align well with the 6w7's need for stability. This pairing can provide intellectual stimulation and emotional support in a balanced manner.

Type 7w6 (The Entertainer): This pairing combines the adventurous and spontaneous nature of the 7w6 with the security-seeking tendencies of the 6w7. They can bring excitement and variety to each other's lives while providing a sense of safety and loyalty.

Type 9w8 (The Referee): While the 9w8's calm and easygoing nature can complement the 6w7's desire for security, the 6w7 can offer support and assertiveness to the 9w8. This pairing can create a balanced relationship where both partners feel understood and supported.


6w7's Love Languages

Love Languages are unique ways in which individuals express and receive love. They help us understand how we connect on an emotional level and greatly influence our interpersonal relationships.

The concept encompasses five main categories: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

By understanding these languages, we can communicate love more effectively and create stronger bonds with those around us.

Derived from common characteristics and tendencies typically associated with 6w7s, here are the top 3 love languages that likely resonate with a person having Enneagram Type 6w7.


Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation can strongly resonate with the 6w7 Enneagram Type. As a 6w7 is sensitive to maintaining security and harmony, they appreciate verbal reassurance and validation from their loved ones.

Hearing encouraging words, compliments, and expressions of love can bring a deep sense of security and value to their relationships.

These affirmations help to reinforce their sense of self-worth and strengthen the bond they have with others.


Acts of Service

Acts of Service can be particularly meaningful for 6w7 individuals. Offering practical assistance and support, such as helping with tasks, running errands, or taking care of responsibilities, shows them that you understand their need for balance and peace.

By alleviating some of their burdens, you allow them to maintain their sense of security and focus on what truly matters to them.

These acts demonstrate your commitment to their well-being and can strengthen the bond you share with them.


Physical Touch

Physical Touch is a love language that can also resonate with the 6w7 Enneagram Type.

While 6w7 individuals may appear cautious, they have a deep need for physical connection and comfort. Touch, such as hugs, holding hands, or gentle physical gestures, can be incredibly soothing and help them feel grounded and secure in their relationships.

Physical touch can also serve as a nonverbal expression of love, providing reassurance and a sense of closeness that is highly valued by this Enneagram type.  


Famous People with 6w7 Personality

Famous 6w7 personalities include Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, and Jennifer Aniston, showcasing the versatile and engaging nature of this personality type.

Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.

